HTML Structure

  • It contains One Email Template
  • Each module has comment on top to understand the type or name module
  • First table is 100% width
  • [Next] First nested table is 800px with "device-width" class, which controls the width of table in Responsive Mode
  • Remaining nested tables are content tables
  • Max. width 800px. Responsive break-points 640px, 480px.
  • Body backgtound [or BG]color means background color os outer most [100% width module] table
  • Find the attributes in TABLE or TD to change the values or styles. For Example:
  • To change with width, find table attribute " width="275" " or change the font / color find the in-line style " style="font-family:--; color:#--;" "
  • To change the break-points of responsiveness find the internal styles in <style>..</style> tag within <head> tag.

CSS Structure

  1. Internal [within the <head> tag] and inline styles used
  2. Change the values of styles and attribues as per your requirements

HTML Files

  1. HTML folder contains Raw HTML, StampReady, MailChimp, Campaign Monitor and Mymail Files
    • Raw HTML - HTML only file
    • StampReady - Builder ready file
    • MailChimp - Editable and send using MailChimp
    • Campaign Monitor - Editable and send using Campaign Monitor
    • MyMail - Zip file - Editable and send using mymail

Access Stampready Builder

  1. You can find the Stamp-ready HTML file inside the HTML folder of the downloaded zip file named "stampready.html"
  2. In order to edit the Stamp-ready HTML file, you have to create the free account in and then follow the bellow steps.
    • Login to stampready site
    • See right top > New Campaign
    • Import Stampready HTML Template
    • Once uploaded, you can see the HTML file preview. Click use template
    • Edit template and apply the changes.
    • SAVE TEMPLATE and SEND the Test Mail
  3. Note:
    • Stampready is an online drag & drop builder which used to edit the template
    • Export Option in stampready is not available for free registeration
    • Demo Images are not included in the package.

Access Mailchimp Builder

  1. You can find the Mailchimp HTML file inside the HTML folder of the downloaded zip file named "mailchimp.html"
  2. In order to edit the Mailchimp HTML file, you have to create the account in and then follow the bellow steps.
    • Login to mailchimp site
    • Go To--> Templates menu --> Create Template --> Import Html
    • Import html "mailchimp.html"
    • Edit Design and apply the changes.
    • SAVE TEMPLATE and SEND the Test Mail
  3. Note:
    • You can also import the Html file and create campaign which is customized and exported from Stampready Builder. But it is not editable by Mailchimp
    • Import Option in Mailchimp is not available for free registeration
    • Demo Images are not included in the package.

How To Upload File To Mailchimp?

  1. You can find the Mailchimp HTML file inside the HTML folder of the downloaded zip file named "mailchimp.html"
  2. In order to edit the Mailchimp HTML file, you have to create the account in and then follow the bellow steps.
    • Login to mailchimp site
    • Go To--> Templates menu --> Create Template --> Import Html
    • Import html "mailchimp.html"
    • Edit Design and apply the changes.
    • SAVE TEMPLATE and SEND the Test Mail

How To Remove Modules In Mailchimp?

  1. Clicking minus button will not remove existing modules. It will undo the duplication of modules only.
  2. To remove module you should not directly click the minus icon. Please follow the below steps
    • Save the template in draft
    • Run the email campaign
    • Include the saved template.
    • Now an eye icon will appear
    • Using that icon you can hide modules

How To Edit The Image In Mailchimp?

  1. You can find the Mailchimp HTML file inside the HTML folder of the downloaded zip file named "mailchimp.html"
  2. In order to edit the Mailchimp HTML file, you have to create the account in and then follow the bellow steps.
    • Login to mailchimp site
    • Go To--> Templates menu --> Create Template --> Import Html
    • Import html "mailchimp.html"
    • Edit Design and apply the changes.
    • SAVE TEMPLATE and SEND the Test Mail

How To Edit The BG Image In Mailchimp?

  1. You can find the Mailchimp HTML file inside the HTML folder of the downloaded zip file named "mailchimp.html"
  2. In order to edit the Mailchimp HTML file, you have to create the account in and then follow the bellow steps.
    • Login to mailchimp site
    • Go To--> Templates menu --> Create Template --> Import Html
    • Import html "mailchimp.html"
    • Edit Design and apply the changes.
    • SAVE TEMPLATE and SEND the Test Mail

How To Create Live Image URL In Mailchimp?

  1. To change the BG image, you can not upload the image from your local machine. You have to replace live image URL. In that case you need a live image URL. Please follow the below step to create a live image URL.
    • Click on any image of the template
    • Click "Replace" option
    • Click View Detail drop down
    • Edit Design and apply the changes.
    • Choose Copy URL option

Access Campaign Monitor Builder

  1. You can find the Campaign Monitor HTML file inside the HTML folder of the downloaded zip file named "campaign-monitor.html"
  2. In order to edit the Campaign Monitor HTML file, you have to create the account in and then follow the bellow steps.
    • Login to Campaign Monitor site
    • Go to --> Create Campaign ---> Import Html [under More Options]
    • Import html "campaign-monitor.html"
    • Edit Design and apply the changes.
    • SAVE TEMPLATE and SEND the Test Mail
  3. Note:
    • You can also import the Html file and create campaign which is customized and exported from Stampready Builder. But it is not editable by Campaign Monitor
    • Demo Images are not included in the package.

Access Mymail Builder

  1. You can find the Mymail zip file inside the mymail folder of the downloaded zip file
  2. In order to edit the Mymail file, you should have the mymail plugin in the Wordpress website and then follow the bellow steps.
    • Login to your Wordpress site
    • Go to --> Admin Panel --> Newsletter --> Templates --> Upload the mymail zip file
    • After uploaded, you can view this template under "New Campaign" section of MyMail plugin.
    • Edit Design and apply the changes.
  3. Note:
    • Demo Images are not included in the package.

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